Impostor Syndrome: An Unseen Intruder

Atindra Ghosh
6 min readAug 7, 2023

Unveiling the hidden adversary in our professional lives and charting the path to conquering it.


Imagine you’re hosting a gathering, a vibrant and lively scene filled with familiar faces. But there, in the crowd, lurks someone uninvited — an unseen intruder known as Impostor Syndrome. It arrives without notice and makes its presence known in the most unwanted way. Just like a cold that anyone could catch, it affects individuals across all professions and walks of life.

Unmasking the Intruder: Understanding Impostor Syndrome

So, what exactly is this intruder called Impostor Syndrome? Picture yourself at a masquerade, everyone around you wearing beautifully crafted masks. But you, you forgot your mask at home. There’s a constant fear, a nagging feeling that others will discover you’re not wearing a mask and point it out. That’s exactly what Impostor Syndrome feels like. The only difference is, the masquerade is your workplace and the people around are your colleagues.

Impostor Syndrome is this pervasive sense of self-doubt, a feeling that you’re not as competent as others perceive you to be, and the fear that sooner or later, your “fraudulence” will be uncovered.

It’s like an unrelenting echo in your mind, constantly whispering that you don’t belong. And the aftermath of this continuous self-doubt is a significant dip in your confidence and performance. Your…



Atindra Ghosh

I am a Technology Leader with a wide range of interests